17 August 2001

Home / August 17, 2001

Community service doctors – adequately filling the gaps?

In certain hospitals the shortage of doctors has led to a three-fold increase in the infant mortality rate. This statistic can be reversed easily in those hospitals that are sufficiently staffed and adopt a team approach. In this audio report we hear some views about whether the community service programme for doctors is working as a means to redress the shortage of doctors in rural areas.
Read More » Community service doctors – adequately filling the gaps?

Recognising rural doctors as the highest skilled in the land

Despite the fact that most rural doctors work in more difficult conditions than their urban counterparts, they generally enjoy fewer benefits and are often treated as second class citizens by the medical fraternity. In a presentation to the annual conference of the Rural Doctors Association of South Africa this past weekend the dean of the medical faculty at Wits University, Prof Max Price, suggested a new approach to begin to value rural doctors for their skills.
Read More » Recognising rural doctors as the highest skilled in the land

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