10 March 2011

Home / March 10, 2011

HIV testing in schools – Are they ready?

OPINION: As a parent, educator and citizen of this country, I am pleased with the aggressive approach adopted by our government in its campaign against HIV and AIDS, especially amongst learners in our schools. What I find rather disturbing, however, is the plan by government to introduce HIV testing in schools, without thorough preparation. Are the schools ready for the HIV testing of their learners? By Misheck Ndebele.
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A bold, courageous move on HIV testing

OPINION: For too long the debate about HIV testing and human rights has largely focused on the implications of the former for the latter: how testing has the potential to undermine rights. Given the experiences of many people living with HIV, this is understandable: many have lost '€“ or been denied '€“ jobs; insurance policies have been denied routinely; access to health care services has often been limited. By Jonathan Berger
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Opportunity for HIV prevention that works

OPINION: South Africa'€™s HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan for health has two objectives '€“ reducing the incidence of new HIV infections by half and placing 80% of those in need onto anti-retroviral treatment. As a country, we are making some progress in scaling up our national HIV treatment programmes, but concurrently we need to maintain the status of those that are HIV negative. By Joanne Brink.
Read More » Opportunity for HIV prevention that works

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