Anso Thom

Anso Thom

New lease for PMTCT

Returning the focus to an HIV prevention method that has been known to work for over a decade holds the key to not just eliminating paediatric AIDS, but putting South Africa on the road to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, reducing deaths among mothers and children, uplifting health systems and drawing men into HIV services.
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Rush job on NHI?

An ANC task team headed by the former Director-General of Health Dr Olive Shisana and heavily laden with trade unionists, is trying to convince the ANC and government to hastily implement a National Health Insurance (NHI) plan that many believe spells disaster for the buckling public health system.
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New Health MECs

All nine provinces have now appointed their health MECs. Some of the appointees appear to be unknown outside of their province with very little or no information available on their political careers. Others are senior office bearers in the ANC and its alliance partners.
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