Kerry Cullinan

Kerry Cullinan

Memory Boxes

When Agnes Nyamayarwo'€™s son, Peter, was four years old, he discovered from a boy at his school that his mother was HIV positive."This boy warned the other children not to share Peter'€™s food because they would get AIDS from him," says Nyamayarwo."I felt very bad that he heard it from school. We think we are protecting them [by not telling them about our HIV status] but somehow they get to know
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Let’€™s talk about sex

It came unexpectedly: the question that most parents try to rehearse the answer to, but inevitably mess up when reality strikes. My six-year-old turned to me out of the blue and said: "But what I don'€™t understand is how the seed from the man gets into the woman'€™s egg."My initial response was to gloss over her question. After all, at six a child shouldn'€™t know about sex, I reasoned. But she persisted, so I had little option but to dive into a quick-'€˜n-basic lesson on anatomy '€“ which both amused and fascinated her.
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