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Webcast of the International AIDS Society Conference

Follow proceedings at the 2nd International AIDS Society Conference in Paris from July 13 to 16 online courtesy of - a free online health policy news and information service of the Kaiser Family Foundation. The Scientific Programme of the 2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment is planned to provide new insights into HIV disease that can lead to new research directions, help speed translational research and move advances into clinical practice. Webcasts will be available of all conference plenaries as well as selected sessions.
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Lack of access causes deaths

Preventable, treatable and curable diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and thrush, for which there are often free or cheap drugs, are causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of HIV-positive people, the United States based Treatment Action Group (TAG) has revealed.Speaking at the Treatment Preparedness Summit recently held in Cape Town, TAG executive director Mark Harrington said that treatable and curable opportunistic infections were responsible for the deaths of most people infected with HIV/AIDS. Anso Thom reports.
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Still fighting for HIV/AIDS

It'€™s been two decades since Dr Peter Piot, now head of UNAIDS, first saw patients from central Africa with a mysterious illness that we today know to be HIV/Aids. Since then he has made it his mission to keep the epidemic on the international political agenda. Kathryn Strachan spoke to Dr Piot during his recent visit to South Africa
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