PEP adherence essential
Duration:3 min 29 sec
Translation: Ukungathabathi amachiza njengoko kumiselwe okanye ukuwayeka phambi kwxesha elimisiweyo oko kuyingxaki emandla ngakumbi apho kufumaniseka ukuba izigulane aziphindeli eziklikini xa kumele ukuba ziyokubona oogqirha. Le ke ingayingxaki enkulu kuba kaloku lonto ingambeka umntu emngciphekweni wosuleleko kwintsholongwane kagawulayo xa ethabatha lamachiza awayeke phakathi ingakumbi ukuba isidlwengu sinentsholongwane kagawulayo.
THANDEKA: UZoleka echaza eminye yemicela mngeni abahlangabezana nayo.
Translation: Zoleka explains some of challenges they face.
ZOLEKA: Siyazifumana iingxaki kuba kaloku omnye udlwengulwe engahambi nesinqanda mathe sakhe uyifihlile lento kuso. Then ke ngoku sithi xa sithethatha naye sifumanise ukuba kuzakubakho ubunzima xa ebuyela kuso kufuneka kaloku ukuba babonisane. Mhlawumbi ke ibingabantu abathembeneyo kungekho protection bayisebenzisayo like i-condom ufumanise ke ngoku xa ebuyela kuye kufuneka ezamile ukumcacisela ukuba yintoni isizathu sokuba ndibe ke ngoku ndicela ukuba mandisebenzise i-protection kodwa ke unalo ilungelo njengomntu wonke lokuba azikhusele njengokuba naye u-partner wakhe enokwazi ukuzikhusela. Kodwa ke kubakho ubunzima kuba kaloku ubuyela back ku partner wakhe ekufuneka emxelele ngezinto ezithile abe engekho ready from ukuba amchazele ukuba kwenzeka esi sehlo kuye. Umna njengomntu osebenze kakhulu nabantu abadlwengulweyo ufumanisa into yokuba i-percentage yabantu abaninzi kubantu abadlwengulweyo xana kuthathwe igazi labo lengculaza mandithi u-98 percent ba-negative but kuba abantu bethu bebengekho ready for into yokuba mabathathwe i-HIV test umntu aphele engabuyi azokuthatha ezi packs zilandelayo kuba ene fear yokuba bendingekho ready for ukwenza lento so ndiyoyika and andizazi i-results zam zithini na xa esiza ngoku sekukudala esithi ndi decide ukuba mandizokusabela ukuba i-results zam zithini na. Avuye kakhulu xa kusithiwa i-results zi-negative kodwa ke ingxaki ibe yeyokuba akakange akwazi uku continue(isha) ngeza packs zishiyekileyo. Then ke ngoku ukuba unokuphindwa atsalwe igazi ufumanise ukuba kungavela enye into okanye ukubangaba siyambona ukuba u-due for i-six weeks okanye i- three months athathwe (igazi) ufumanise still nalapho u-HIV negative. Sendithetha into yokuba ndiyafuna ukuba umntu sele ezile for ukuthathwa utsalo lwamagazi agqibe yonke i-process yakhe.
Translation: We encounter problems such as if a rape survivor’s partner doesn’t know about the rape. When we speak to her we try and find out whether is it going to be a problem if she tells her partner about it. They have to discuss the situation. Moreover, if they were both in a trusting relationship where they were not using any form of protection like condoms and the situation has to change after rape. The survivor, as difficult as it is, has to open up about has happened so that she can negotiate to use condoms with her partner. It is difficult because now the survivor has to open up even if she’s not ready to speak about the ordeal. As a person who has worked closely with rape victims, I have noticed that about 98 percent of people who were tested for HIV are negative but because our people were not ready to be tested again and they end up taking only first pack and do not come back to fetch other treatment and to get other blood tests. What I’m urging people to do is to finish their treatment because it doesn’t mean if you tested negative the first time everything is or will be all right. Even when they come after they have missed their appointments we still test them and fortunately they still test negative but we don’t condone such behaviours.
THANDEKA: Ingaba ke yintoni eyenza abantu ukuba bathi xha ekuthabatheni amachiza bangabuyeli koogqirha ukuyokujongwa kwintsuku ezimiselwe ukuba babuye ngazo.
Translation: Why is it that people stop taking their medication and decide not to return to the clinics for follow-up appointments?
ZOLEKA: Uye athi umntu xa e-default(ile) abuye seku late ke ukutsho ufumanise xa uzama ukumngcambazisa into yokuba ayintoni ingxaki athi ubethwa yi bus fare, itaxi fare akanamali yokuba makaze . Umbutho wethu uzamile into yokuba mawu request(e) acele i-funding yento yokuba noko abantu xa besiza for i-follow up treatment bakwazi ukunikwa i-taxi fare noko ke siyazama ukuba abantu banga default(i).
Translation: When a person misses her follow-up treatment appointment, we have found out that when we asked them what is the problem, the answer is often given is that they don’t’ have bus or taxi fare. Our ogranisation tried to intervene and requested funding so that survivors can get taxi fare that will enable them to come for their appointments.
THANDEKA: Uqeqesho loogqirha kwimiba yodlwengulo uZoleka uthi luxanduva lwezibhedlele namaziko athi ancedisane namaxhoba.
Translation: Training of medical doctors with regard to dealing with rape should be the responsibility of hospitals and rape crisis centers so that services can be delivered more efficiently.
ZOLEKA: Ii-challenges esinazo zezokuba oogqirha abafikayo kaloku soloko bebatsha ufumanise ke ngoku kwathina bantu baphaya kwi unit for counseling siyakwazi ukucacisela oogqirha ukuba, Gqirha into ihamba ngolu hlobo noluhlobo kuba kaloku ugqirha umtsha akhange afumane training so ufumanise into yokuba isibhedlele kufunekile into yokuba sijonge into yokuba oogqirha abangenayo bayifumene na i-training. Yi challenge kwisibhedlele nakuthi because kufuneka ukuba si-monitor(ishile) into yokuba oogqirha abaxilongayo abantu bayifumene na i-training. Because kaloku iba bubunzima abayazi into yokuba uJ88 (form) kufuneka e-fill(ishwe) njani na. Kufuneka bafumane i-training yokuyazi ukuba xana bemxilongile u-client wethu okanye ixhoba eli lodlwengulo kufuneka eza forms zi-fill(ishwe) kanjani na.
Translation: Some of the challenges we have are that doctors are always new and we (the counseling unit) are expected to help them, to tell them about some of the issues they are not clear about. Because doctors are new and have never had training before is now becoming a problem but the hospital should see to it that doctors are trained and it is also a challenge to us (rape centre) to monitor whether they are trained and because it becomes a problem when doctors have to fill in J88 (rape form).
THANDEKA:Zii forms ezinjani ezi?
Translation: What kind of forms are those?
ZOLEKA: Zii forms kaloku ezichazayo ukuba ugqirha yintoni ayifumeneyo ii-findings from kwindlela ebexilonga ngayo.
Translation: These are forms that a doctor has fill in about his or her findings after examining the survivor.
THANDEKA: And then ziyaphi?
Translation: After that where are they taken?
ZOLEKA: Kaloku zezi kufuneka zihambe ziye e-court ibonise ubungqina bento ayifumeneyo ngela xesha ebemxilonga.
Translation: These forms are taken to court as evidence of the findings from doctor’s report.
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PEP adherence essential
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