AIDS conference afterthoughts
Duration: 4 min
THANDEKA: Umphathiswa weZempilo eGauteng, u Gqirha Gwen Ramokgopa uthi abantu kufuneka babe nomonde yaye bazinikezele xa bejongene nogawulayo.
Translation:Gauteng Provincial Health MEC, Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa says people need dedication and perseverance when dealing with HIV/AIDS.
DR. RAMOKGOPA: I think Bangkok for me represents a phase in the epidemic and in the response of all of ourselves to do what we have decided to do with greater urgency and also to do it with greater quality. We’ve gone beyond identifying what is best to do. We are now at the stage where we need to implement commitments that we have made. What was also pleasing is the progress that many other countries have made including our own country in terms of the issue of access to information, to services and also to treatment. But what we need to do is to put monitoring mechanisms in place and strengthen the issue of extending these services to the marginalized communities. Especially the poor, people in rural areas, women, sex workers, disabled, marginalized and vulnerable people.
Translation: Ndicinga ukuba iBangkok elinye icala lale ntsholongwane kwekufunekla sikwenzile ngokukhawulezileyo nangomgangatho ephezulu. Sidlulile ekufuneni ekufuneka sikwezile ngoku sikwixesha lokwenza imisebenzi esizinike yona. Eyona nto ibincomeka kukubona inqubela phambili esele yenziwe ngamazwe amanzi ukuquka nelizwe lethu loMzantsi Afrika kwizinto ezifana nekufumaneka kwencukhaca nolwazi, iinkonzo nonyango. Ekusafuneka sikwenzile kubeka iinkqubo ezizakujongana nokuqiniswa ekwangezweni kweenkonzo kuluntu olungakhathalelekanga ingabkumbi abo bahluphekayo, abantu basemaphandleni, aakhosikazi, abathengisa nemizimba nabakhubazekileyo.
THANDEKA: UGqirha Ramokgopa uthi ikhona imiceli mngeni efana nokuba kungekho chiza lokunyanga ugawulayo. Utsho ememelela ukuba abantu bazinonophele abanentsholongwane nabangekasuleleki yiyo.
Translation: Dr. Gwen Ramokgopa say HIV/AIDS presents us with many challenges, especially because it is incurable.
DR. RAMOKGOPA: The main challenge is still to say there’s no cure for HIV/AIDS. The advent of antiretrovirals should not lull us in to complacency in terms of strengthening our prevention programmes. The second issue is that those that are HIV positive need to come early so that at least we prolong quality of life even before they get to the AIDS stage. Lastly, the antiretrovirals programmes that we have started throughout the world especially in developing countries like South Africa we need to make sure that we implement it correctly so that we limit the issue of resistance and that we improve the capacity of people to comply. The programme of community health workers that we have started in the country should assist us to also do direct observed treatment and support in communities for those that are on antiretrovirals programmes but also to support those that are not as yet infected and those who are HIV positive to have healthier lifestyles.
Translation: Oyena mceli mngeni ngulo wokungabikho konyango kwentsholongwane kagawulayo. Ukufika kwezithomalalisi kugawulayo akufuneki kusilalise nalapho sizakuthi sinikezele sithso silibale ukuqinisa iinkqubo zokomeleza ukhuseleko. Okwesibini, umba wabo baphila nale ntsholongwane kufuneka beze kwangethuba bazokwandiselwa ubomi bokuphila kwabo phambi kokuba babe nogawulayo inkqu yakhe. Okokugqibela lamachiza kagawulayo akho kwihlabathi liphela nalapha eMzantsi Afrika kufuneka siwasebenzise ngendlela eyiyo ukuqanda ingxaki yokungasebenzi umsebenzi enzelwe wona emzimbeni neyinto enokukhuthaza ukusetyenziswa kwawo. Inkqubo yabasebezni boluntu bezempilo iqale kweli ukuncedisana nabantu bachaphazelekileyo ukujongana nokuthatyathwa kwamachiza ngendlela eyiyonokunika inxhaso kwabo bathabatha amachiza kagawulayo. Bencedana nokunika inxhaso nakwabo bangekosuleleki ukuba baphile ubomi obusempilweni.
THANDEKA: Ingaba ke oku kubachaphazela njani abantu ehlabathini jikelele.
Translation: How does HIV/AIDS affect people from elsewhere in the world.
VIEWS 1: I’m Justin Panor, I’m a physician in HIV area and I’m working in Lieu, France.
‘Of course people talk about AIDS. There’s still stigma around HIV disease even in Northern countries. People talk about it a lot but it’s usually during the big events, the HIV Day (World AIDS Day) which is December the 1st , during the International Conferences and also during the days where we gather money for fight against HIV/ AIDS in France. But the problems is that they talk much less than before that’s why we have the impression even though it’s not yet verified that the epidemic is growing in young people who were not there in the beginning of the epidemic.’
Translation: UJustin Panor, ungugqirha ojongana nogawulayo uphuma eLieu eFrance. Uthi ewe, abantu bayathetha ngogawulayo. Nangona kusekho unyembo lwesisifo nakumazwe aseNtshona utsho. Uthi abantu bathetha kakhulu ngalo mba xa kukho amatheko amakhulu, iLilanga lehlabathi lika gawulayo ngomhla wokuqala kuDecember, xa iziinkomfa ezinkulu zehlabathi naxa kugayelwa ukubethwa kwemali yokunyusa ingxowa kagawulayo eFrance. Uthi kodwa ingxaki ngoku akusathethwa kakhulu ngalomba kunangelixa elingaphambili kungoko sinento ethi ngangona ezongxelo zingekaqinisekiswa nezithi inani losuleleko lolutsha liya lisenyuka kolo lutsha lwalungekabikho xa ugawulayo efika.
VIEWS 2: My name is Romina Hayman, I am a teacher from Florida, United States.
‘I teach Chemistry in a High School that’s Grade 11 and 12, for seventeen and eighteen year olds. My take is that in the United States it’s a very old disease it’s not newsworthy anymore. My students maybe aren’t aware of what is going in the world and AIDS. They
just see it as something that they can take a drug for. These conferences are good to see what is going on either than that maybe in the US they don’t see it as a risk as much anymore. They just don’t want to talk about it anymore. They don’t want to know even if they have it they’ll find out and they will take drugs for it.’
Translation: URomina Hayman ongutitshalakazi ophuma eFlorida, eMelika uthi uhlohla ichemistri kwisikolo samabanga aphakamileyo kumabanga e11 nele12 kubantwana abaminyaka ungama 17 ukuya kwe-18. Uthi yena ubona ukuba umba kagawulayo eMelika njengomba omdala ongezizo iindaba etshatshelelyo. Uthi abafundi bakhe banokuba abazi nto ngokuqhubeka kumanye amazwe ehlabathini babona ugawulayo njengento enokuthatyathelwa ichiza. Uthi ezinkomfa ziyanceda ukuzisa intlantsi ngokuqhubekayo okunye ke mhlawumbi eMelika ababoni oku njengengozi. Bayala ukuthetha ngalomba abafuni nokukwazi ngogawulayo nokuba ke bathe bafumanisa bathi bathabathe amachiza.
VIEWS 3: My name is Edith Tarimo, I’m coming from Tanzanzia. I’m currently a student in Norway, studying Masters Philosophy in Health Sciences on HIV/AIDS Care.
‘This conference has benefited me much because I know other countries are doing the same. I can find the situation in other African countries is the same way as mine particularly in the area of informal care that women are the burden of care. I gained some knowledge how others have coped with it. In my own country we are still behind and we feel that everybody is at risk.’
Translation: Uedith Tarimo nozalwelwe eTanzania ufunda eNorway izifundo zezempilo egxile kugawulayo. Uthi le nkomfa indizisele lukhulu kuba ngoku ndiyazi ukuba amanye amazwe eqhuba njengoko kusenziwa kwilizwe lakhe. Uthi ufumanisa ukuba isingqi sinye kumanye amazwe aseAfrika ingakumbi kumba wezempilo kumba wamakhosikazi nangawona athi abe luxanduva nekufuneka enonophelwe. Uthi uye wafumana ulwazi lokuba abanye abantu bakoyise njani oko. Uthi kwilizwe lakhe babona ukuba wonke umntu esemngciphekweni.
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AIDS conference afterthoughts
by Health-e News, Health-e News
July 28, 2004

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