ARV moratorium in Free State was never lifted ‘€“ TAC

 ‘€œThe issue of the moratorium was never lifted. Never! We have been told that people will only be initiated from the first of April’€, said TAC spokesperson in the Free State, Sello Mokhaliphi.

But the provincial department of health insists that the moratorium has been lifted, a number of new patients have been provided with ARVs.

 ‘€œWe have started 556 patients this month’€, said Prof. Pax Ramela, the Head of the Department of Health in the Free State.        

Sana has been on the waiting list since last October, a month before the controversial moratorium was imposed. Her CD 4 count at the time stood at 195, an indication of a desperate need for ARV’€™s. Her viral load was recorded at 250  000. She is on the waiting list with her 2 year old son. ‘€œI’€™ve been going to Pelonomi (Hospital), it’€™s been the same. I’€™ve been asking the sister when I am likely to get treatment. The sister would say, ‘€˜probably in April, even then, only if there are funds’€™. Now I am ill. I want treatment. If I don’€™t hear anything different after April, I will then give up’€, she said.      


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