Anti-smoking ads help smokers quit

79ec4ce866a8.jpgExposure to anti-smoking messages help motivate smokers to quit, a recent survey found.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Global Adult Tobacco Survey tracked attitudes in 17 countries across Europe, Asia and South America.

Overall, exposure to anti-smoking messages in print media or on television, radio or billboards “significantly increased the odds that current smokers intend to quit” in 14 of the 17 countries included in the survey, the CDC said in a news release.

These findings support previous research showing antismoking campaigns encourage smokers to quit.

In concert with other proven tobacco control strategies tobacco education ad campaigns are needed to counter the millions of dollars spent every hour on marketing cigarettes around the world.

The CDC notes that its own campaign, “Tips from Former Smokers” – in which people with serious health issues linked to smoking tell their stories – is one such outreach effort.

Source: CDC


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