Officials discover an illegal drug rehab in a North West shack

On a routine inspection for Covid-19 compliance, officials discovered an illegal rehabilitation centre Moretele in the North West, where addicts were “chained down like dogs.”

Officials shut down the illegal rehabilitation centre in Bosplaas  in the Moretele municipality. They removed more than 30 young people and returned them to their families.

The owner of the rehab is a man in his fifties who claims to be a traditional healer, but officials could not find his name registered on any database, said municipal spokesperson Mothupi Malebye. The man ran the centre, aimed at treating nyaope addicts, from a shack. He charged each addict R6,000 for treatment, paid in monthly instalments of R1,200.

“The Covid- 19 team on arrival accompanied  by the police  found that the  addicts were chained down like dogs and their living conditions were poor,” said  Malebye.

Concerned community members tipped police off, said Malebye.

“Nyaope is a problem for all stakeholders including community members. It’s an integrated issue: police have a role, health, social development, municipal health, fire and emergency services and rescue.”

Police will not pursue a case against the man, said Temba police spokesperson Herman Moremi. Instead social workers will assist the addicts held there. They will also support the man running the rehab to provide proper assistance to the community.

District health manager Rangani Chauke promised to train the man to provide proper treatment, rather than putting lives in jeopardy. – Health-e News


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