Limpopo Clinic closed indefinitely after recent attack on workers 

Chuene Clinic will remain closed until further notice. (Photo: Capricorn FM News)
Chuene Clinic will remain closed until further notice. (Photo: Capricorn FM News)

The Limpopo Department of Health has back-tracked its decision to resume services at Chuene Clinic in Ga-Chuene outside Polokwane. The facility was reopened on Tuesday after being closed for four days following the recent attack on nurses. 

Staff at the 24-hour facility and the surrounding community have been gripped by fear since a man held three unarmed security guards at the clinic at gunpoint before abducting two nurses. According to police, he took the women to a bush outside the clinic where he robbed and raped them, before fleeing the scene on foot in the early hours of Friday morning (10 January).

On Tuesday the department announced that the clinic would resume services and that it would no longer operate around the clock. Instead, the clinic would only be open during the day from Monday to Friday. But this decision has been rescinded following pressure from health workers. 

The facility is now closed indefinitely.  

“The decision follows a thorough reassessment of the impact of the devastating incidents including break-ins, robbery, abduction and sexual assault of the nursing staff have had on the affected personnel,” a statement issued by spokesperson Neil Shikwambana explains.

Demand for armed guards at clinic

Nurses and allied health workers welcome the second closure of Chuene Clinic.

“When the department reopened the clinic yesterday (Tuesday) without a nod from us, staff members and other workers at the facility found themselves literally crying,” says Democratic Nursing Organisation (DENOSA) provincial secretary Jacob Molepo. 

“This is because the trauma and bad memories of the ordeal their colleagues went through are still too much to bear. We then pressurised the department to close the clinic.”

Workers at the clinic will continue to receive psychological support services. Those who are able will report for duty at neighbouring health facilities until authorities can guarantee security at their original workstation, adds Molepo.

“It is only when beefed-up security measures, physiological and related care given to these workers reach a stage which gives us comfort that services at Chuene Clinic can resume,” he says. 

Moses Maubane, provincial secretary of the National Education Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) echoes these sentiments. 

“We have told the department to suspend all services at Chuene Clinic until there are at least three armed security officers deployed at this facility.”

24-hour clinic services on conditions

Both DENOSA and NEHAWU say they are not opposed to clinics operating 24 hours a day,  as long as workers and the facilities are safe.

“We demand armed security officers who are always on alert, not just baton-carrying guards,” adds NEHAWU’s Maubane.

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DENOSA agrees. 

“Security measures should not be one size fits all, a thorough assessment of a facility and conditions must always be taken into consideration for the safety of workers in each facility. Armed security personnel are a must,” says Molepo. 

Security improvements promised

The department says it’s committed to improving security measures at all health facilities to ensure that healthcare workers can perform their duties without fear for their safety.

“The department will work closely with relevant stakeholders, including law enforcement and community leaders to ensure that adequate protections are in place at the clinic (Chuene Clinic) before it is reopened.

“In the meantime, community members are advised to continue seeking health care services at nearby facilities, including Maja, Soetfontein, Unit B (in Lebowakgomo) until the situation at Chuene Clinic is resolved,” says Shikwambana in a statement.

The armed assailant is still at large. – Health-e News 


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