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Daring to dream

Every afternoon at about 5pm a red van stops next to an open piece of land in Masoyi near the Kruger Park. A woman gets out and looks around, sometimes staring at the piece of land, other days "shoo-ing people who have erected shacks overnight". Behind this piece of land lies a dream. "I must dream, I must'€¦," Lucy Ngobeni whispers.
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Severe head injuries ‘€“ who gets treated?

A controversial new approach to rationing care for head-injuries is being developed at Groote Schuur hospital. The new policy, introduced because budget cuts mean that there are insufficient resources to give optimum care to all severe head injuries, will give doctors guidelines as to which patients should receive the most intensive care. Jo Stein reports.
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Making people count

If the rich consume more health resources than the poor, any efforts to redress the gap between the haves and have-nots must include a commitment to equity and not just equality. Sue Valentine attended a recent international workshop in the North West Province aimed at developing efective equity gauges to measure the gaps in health spending and resource allocation.
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