News Brief Archive

October 6, 2003

The Treatment Action Campaign was awarded the Nelson Mandela Health and Human Rights Award for 2003 earlier this year. The award will be handed to members of the TAC at a ceremony in Houghton, Johannesburg this week. The Henry J. Kaiser Foundation sponsors the annual award.

29 September 2003

South Africa plans to resurrect its vaccine production capacity with the launch of the Biovac Institute in Cape Town on September 29, 2003. The South African government holds a 40% stake in the R500 million public-private partnership, which is dedicated to addressing domestic immunisation needs as well as those of the southern African region and the continent.

September 26, 2003

HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa (CHGA). The University of Natal’s

Professor Alan Whiteside and World Bank managing official Dr Mamphele

Ramphela are members of the 20-person commission, chaired by Executive

Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa K. Amoako, and established

at the behest of United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The Commission’s mandate is to study the impacts of HIV/AIDS on African

state structures and economic development and identify threats to

governance. It will report back in June 2005.Click here for more details

15 September 2003

The Medicines Control Council has given Boehringer-Ingelheim, manufacturers
of Nevirapine, a further six months to submit data to avoid de-registration
of the drug for use in prevention of mother to child HIV transmission. The
MCC says it favours the use of Nevirapine in combination therapy as opposed
to being used alone.


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