Clocking in for treatment


NYAMEKA NDHASHE: Into esiye sibacacisele ngayo xa bezakuqala i-treatment siye sithi umntu ukubanagabana unomntana wesikolo oya eskolweni mos umntana wesikolo akalibali ixesha lakhe lokuphuma endlini. Ukuba umntana uphuma ngo seven kwakufuneka ukuba athi before aphume athi kumama wakhe okanye kutatakhe aqale asele iipilisi zakhe or else ukuba kukho umntu ophangelayo endlini siye sithi kula mntu uphangelelayo mos naye akaliphosi ixesha lakhe lokuphuma endlini siye sithi makaqale i-treatment ngelaxesha lamntu aphumayo endlini so iye ibe yindlela yokuthi babambe amaxesha because libalulekile ixesha kumntu oqala iiARV’€™s. Xa kengoku usemaphandleni mos xa usezilalini iinkukhu aziliphosi ixesha   lzo lokukhala mos inkukhu ziyakhala ngo five ekuseni so kofuneka umntu abambe ngeelaxesha leenkukhu atye iipilisi zakhe ngelaxesha inkukhu zikhalayo. Okanye omnye uye asete i-alarm clock xa kucaca ukuba akukho mntu wokumkhumbuza and then mos i-alarm clock xa uyisetele u-seven ikhala ngala seven kqo iphinde kengoku ke ngoku uphinde uyisete for useven late kwenzele ukuba ungalibali once likhale elaxesha lakho utya ngalo i-treatment yakho.


Translation: What we advise them to do is to target the time when the school going children are leaving for school and stick to that time. Say, if a child leaves home at 7am the child should remind the parent not to forget to take his /her treatment before she leaves the house. We sometimes suggest that if there’€™s someone who is working when s/he leaves for work should remind the others not to forget their treatment because it is of vital importance that the first timers who are in treatment should not forget the treatment. For people living in rural areas they should listen to the cock crow at 5 am and they should keep to that time. Alternatively people are advised to set alarm clocks. If you set an alarm for 7am it will ring at 7am exactly but you have to set alarm again for 7pm so that you don’€™t forget to take the treatment in the evening.

THANDEKA TEYISE: Ingaba mhlawumbi so far kubantu enisele niqale ngabo okanye abakhe basebenzisa le system othetha ngayo baye bancedakala?

Translation: Has this method been proven to work elsewhere?


NYAMEKA: Baye bancedakale kakhulu for example saye sacebisa nabantu base Matatiele, abantu baseMatatiele mos ngabantu abahlala ezilalini, emaphandleni mos abanye babo abana watch so ba-remind(iswa) lixesha lenkukhu late baremind(iswe) lixesha lokuba kutshona ilanga. So iye yabanceda kakhulu naba be-alarm clock iyabanceda naba beskolo iyabanceda indlela yokuthi mabakhumbule ngazo iipilisi zabo.

Translation: We have success stories like for example we advised the people from rural are of Matatiele to use the cock crow as an alarm as most people in that area do not have watches. Late in the evening when the sun sets that’€™s another reminder to them to take their treatment. This has helped those communities immensely even those who used the school children as their reminder that also helps.


TT: Xa usithi uyi monitor okanye ungumjongi wenkqubo apho umntu ezakufumana khona ezi zithomalalisi yintoni othi uyenze okanye umsebenzi wakho yintoni?

Translation: What does your job entail as a treatment monitor?

NYAMEKA: Umsebenzi wam as i-treatment monitor kunyanzelekile njebezakuqalisa ukunikwa iipilisi kufuneka ndibekhona kwenzele ukuba ndithathe ii-notes ndizazi ukubangaba uzakutya imilinganiselo emingakanani yeepilisi. Xa kengoku sefike ekhayeni kufuneka ndi make it a point ndiya nephepha elinengcazelo yokuba namhlanje ebeziselile iipilisi kufuneka esign(ile). So into ekufuneka ndiyenzile eyona nto ibalulekileyo ekufuneka ndiyenzile kufuneka ndijonge ukuba uzityile iipilisi ngexesha elithile waphinda wazitya ngexesha elithile yintoni entsha eyenzekileyo ngoba eqale ezi pilisi.


Translation: As a treatment monitor I’€™m obliged to be present and be part of the process from the outset. Because the person will be getting treatment for the first time I should take notes and know the dosage of the tablets he or she will be receiving. I must visit the person regularly even at home so that I can jot down everything – whether he or she took her tablets correctly. I must see to it that she sticks to the same time and what developments there are, such as side effects since she has started with the treatment.

TT: Mhlawumbi iqhuba ixesha elingakanani iyonke loonto?

Translation: How long does this process take?

NYAMEKA: Njenga ngoku mos izobe ilixesha lakhe lokuqala for inyanga, inyanga yokuqala siya everyday and then ke ngoku xa siya ke ngoku sibona ukuba okanye akana ziside effects akananto intsha iphumayo zezi pilisi si-reduce ke ngoku siye mhlawumbi kuba kanye evekini okanye siye kabini evekini.So kuxhomekeka kuye ukuba ezipilisi ziye zamphatha kanjani. So ne monitoring yethu ixhomekeka ngolohlobo.

Translation: For the first month we visit them everyday to monitor whether he or she hasn’€™t had side effects.   TT: Ingaba mhlawumbi yintoni eyenye ofuna ukuyithetha amalunga nalomsebenzi uwenzayo? Translation: Is there anything else you can tell us about the work you do?


NYAMEKA: Umna ndingathi ndizinikezele kulomsebenzi wee-ARV’€™s because ndibona like kwezinye ii-pilots iya sebenza and iyabanceda abanye abantu nangona ke unfortunately owam umama zange akwazi ufikelela waye wasweleka before time kodwa ndinqwenelela impumelelo kwabanye aba bathi bazifumane ezi ARV’€™s ngase umntu angaziyeki phakathi ngu life wakhe mos ezi ARV’€™s.


Translation: I can say I’€™ve dedicated myself to help other people who are taking ARVs because I have seen from other ARVs pilot programmes that other people can be helped and it’€™s working for them. Unfortunately my mom died before she could even start her ARV therapy. I’€™ll urge people to stick to their treatment and never give up and wish them luck and success.

TT: Nje ngomntu owaswelekelwa ngumama owabulawa yintsholongwane. Ingaba yonke lonto ithetha ntoni uphinde uncede abantu abaphila nalentsholongwane?


Translation: Knowing that your mother died of AIDS . How is it to be helping other HIV positive people?

NYAMEKA: Mna kum yandikhathaza ukuba umamam makasweleke ezakuzifumana ezi ARV’€™s kodwa on the other side ndithi kukuthanda kuka Thixo. But ngoku ndaye ndazityumbela mos ukuba ndizokunzinxulumanisa noTAC nangoku ukuba ndiyi treatment monitor ndaye ndazityumbela kuba ndifuna ukuncedana nabantu abaphila nalentsholongwane kagawulayo because ndinayo la pain. Ndizifumanisa ukuba ndinayo la pain yokuba la mntu ndiyakwazi ukuthatha intlungu yakhe ndiyenze eyam intlungu so ndicinga ukuba ndingakwazi ukumnceda onye umntu ophila nentsholongwane kagawulayo.    

Translation: It pains me to know that my mother died of AIDS just before she could get ARVs but anyway it’€™s God’€™s will. It’€™s my choice that I have decided to be part of TAC and the job I’€™m doing as a Treatment Monitor it is still my wish and my will. I feel the pain that other HIV people feel and I’€™m willing to help where I can so I think that I can help other people.


E-mail Thandeka Teyise


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