14 June 2010

Home / June 14, 2010

Positive Heroes

On Sunday 30th May, more than 23 000 runners took part in the Comrades marathon between Pietermaritzburg and Durban. One of the teams that participated was a group of HIV+ athletes. In this insert the runners from Positive Heroes explain the importance of showing that people with HIV are still able to achieve their dreams.
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I wish I had never lit a cigarette

5 million people worldwide die of tobacco related diseases every year, which is one death every 10 seconds. Despite the crack down on smokers in South Africa through increased tax on cigarettes and restrictions on where they can smoke, few people take heed of the warnings that tobacco kills. In this insert produced by Fathima Simjee, Ken Newman, who was a smoker for over 50 years explains why he wishes he had never lit a cigarette in his life.
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