Newborns continue to die needlessly

Speaking at a Healthcare in Africa conference yesterday (WED) Carolyn Miles, President and CEO of Save the Children, said although there has been a reduction in the under five mortality rate, the death of newborns was still the ‘€œstubborn piece of the problem’€.

Miles revealed that over 40 percent of under five deaths occurred in the first month with the babies dying of common diseases such as pneumonia (18%), diarrhoea (15%), pre-term complications (12%) and asphyxia (9%). In sub-Saharan Africa 16% of newborn deaths are due to Malaria.

‘€œThese are not things kids should be dying of,’€ she said.

Miles offered one solution to the problem: ‘€œThe training of local people to deliver lifesaving services.’€

Miles who has visited 55 countries where Save the Children are present said, ‘€œif every mom has access to a trained and supported healthcare worker, we will achieve the Millennium Development Goals’€.

Miles held up Malawi as an example of success where the country has achieved a 29 percent decline in newborn deaths since 2001 and is on track to meet the MDGs.

The East African country has trained and supported 1 700 healthcare workers, covering two of the three health districts. Hundreds of thousands of children are being treated for malaria and pneumonia, for many years the main killers of children in this country.


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