Health-e News 2014 Annual Report

Annual Report CoverFor 15 years, Health-e News has been committed to health journalism with a human face, and we tell stories via television, print and our website. We tell stories from the clinic queues to the Minister’s office, and our main aim is to help all people living in South Africa to become healthier.

In our latest annual report, we reflect on some of 2014’s milestones including our continued work in essential medicines monitoring and the accomplishments of our citizen journalists, whose stories continue to effect change in their communities.

In 2014, our TV journalist Fathima Simjee was awarded Discovery Health’s Young Health Journalist of the Year award and received a Wellcome Trust scholarship to pursue a Masters Degree in science writing. The team also took second place in the Africa Media Challenge for health reporting with an investigation into vaccines in three provinces. Meanwhile, Health-e News continues to expand its client base, providing content both to comment TV stations and newspapers as well as mainstream outlets.


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