Draft for comment: Regulations on Traditional Health Practioners

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maternal deaths
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The draft regulations stipulate that anyone who wishes to register as a traditional healer must submit an application form to the department as well as fees. Anyone wishing to be a diviner, herbalist, traditional birth attendant or circumciser must undergo training at a accredited institution with a traditional tutor.

Diviners, herbalists and traditional birth attendants must undergo a 12-month training course. Those wishing to become a traditional surgeon or circumciser must undergo at least five years of training, including two years of supervised work.

Written comments on the draft can be addressed to:

Attention – Director: Traditional Medicine, Health
Private Bag X828
Pretoria, 001

Or emailed to mbedzf(at)health.gov.za

The deadline for comment is 2 February 2016

Download the 12-page draft regulations: Draft Regulations on Traditional Health Practioners


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