

Media needs to stop sitting on the sidelines

Government committed itself to having 53 000 people on antiretrovirals (ARVs) by the end of 2004. What are the challenges government faces in rolling out? What is the hold up? Is government dragging its feet, is there a lack of political will or are there real problems with implementation? And what role do the media have to play in all of this? The HIV/AIDS and the Media Project and the Journalism Department at the University of Stellenbosch hosted a panel discussion addressing these very questions. Anso Thom was one of the panellists.
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Profiting from AIDS

Drug companies are continuing to sell anti-retrovirals at hugely inflated prices in South Africa with some branded drugs selling for up to eight times more than generic versions available worldwide but that are not yet manufactured locally.
Read More »Profiting from AIDS

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