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OurHealth is a project that trains and supports local activists and aspiring health journalists. Our citizen journalists (CJs)  live in rural and poorly-covered areas in South Africa, and report on health issues affecting their communities.

A clinic name board on a wall
The Free State is experiencing a rise in flu cases, prompting officials to urge vaccination. But some patients find it difficult to get flu vaccines at local clinics.
Medical examination report and stethoscope on white desktop
Woman says despite being promised millions of rands in compensation for injuries sustained during surgery, she has yet to receive payment.
Dirty water being poured into a bucket
Despite promises from officials, including recent assurances from the water and sanitation minister, clean water remains elusive in Hammanskraal.
image of building with gates closed
Recent heavy rains in Kromkuil in the North West caused extensive flooding, impacting essential services such as the local clinic, schools, and shops.


Cover for Health-e News Service
Health-e News Service

Health-e News Service

Health-e News is a non-profit, online publication focused on pressing health issues in South Africa. We centre community voices through our network of nationwide citizen journalists.

Staff at Manapo Hospital in the Free State demand increased security after a doctor was shot at in the hospital's staff living quarters. Patients and doctors alike fear for their safety. #crime #healthnews

The Board of Healthcare Funders (BHF) supports universal health coverage but says the current #NHIAct isn't the answer. Dr. Katlego Mothudi explains the flaws @BHFglobal #UHC #HealtheNews #UniversalHealthcare

Broken dreams. Unemployed doctors in Mpumalanga say they are meant to lift their families out of poverty, but are now a burden. @YoliswaSobuwa spoke to a few junior doctors waiting to be employed. #unemployeddoctors #unemployment #healthnews

We spoke with residents who live in areas named after the president. The lived realities of the people of Ramaphosa reflect gaps in the delivery of the most basic of services. Read their stories here #healthenews

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Health Fact

Did you know TB is the leading cause of death in South Africa? Anyone can get infected. If you show any symptoms, it's important to get tested immediately.

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