Search Results for youth
Alcohol use a potent threat to youth development
Youth Month calls us to reflect both on the historic debt we owe previous generations of young people who fought for our freedom and on the challenge of breathing hope and self-belief into the hearts of the current generation. The…
Low condom usage among youth raises alarm
Experts are sounding the alarm over continued low condom usage by South African youth, particularly as it contributes to the high rate of teenage pregnancies and HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women. The South African National AIDS…
Bending the curves of the HIV epidemic by empowering and engaging youth
Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact globally on countries’ national communicable disease programmes, crucially including the response to HIV Disruptions in treatment and prevention services may have contributed to around 1.5 million new…
Lack of youth-friendly clinics in KZN a major turnoff
The lack of basic healthcare services that are youth-friendly frustrates young people from Hammarsdale in eThekwini. They claim they often face discrimination that threatens their fundamental rights. “Our clinics aren’t youth-friendly. We are trying to take responsibility for our health,…
June16: Our youth are struggling with mental health problems
Young people in South Africa have been struggling with the burden of mental health problems associated with poverty, disrupted learning, unemployment and even the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression concern young adults. These issues require…