Over-60’s in good shape thanks to health club

An elderly woman in Mpumalanga. (File photo)
An elderly woman in Mpumalanga. (File photo)
Clasped hands of an elderly person. Credit: Vinoth Chander/ Flickr

About 60 elderly people from the Bohlokong Luncheon Club take to the lawns for an exercise session during morning break. The club started back in 2003 with elderly people regularly gathering to exercise and keep healthy.

It was established as a non-profit organisation that received financial aid from the Department of Social Development. With this money, the club has been able to keep going for 13 years.

As a routine, all the elderly club members engage in 30 minutes of exercise. It’s a social event, and sometimes a member or two will share their stories about how exercising has changed their lives and made them healthier, stronger and capable of doing things that were becoming difficult for them as they grew older.

Common health problems

Diabetes, high blood pressure and arthritis are the common health problems many elderly people develop. But by exercising regularly they find their health improves. At the Bohlokong Luncheon Club members also receive a healthy meal that is prepared for them.

Apart from exercising, we also do sewing and beadwork which we sell to raise funds.

According to Alina Lekoro, who has been a member of the club since it started, said “Apart from exercising, we also do sewing and beadwork which we sell to raise funds.”

In order to join the club members have to be over 60 years old and willing to attend three days a week to socialise, do bead work and sewing and also follow the exercise programme.

Need to keep fit

Maleeba Motsoeneng, chairperson of Bohlokong Luncheon Club, said: “These exercises are crucial to us as elderly people, due to our health complications. We need to keep fit. We find that once they get into it, our members really enjoy exercising and taking part in the activities that are organised especially for them. – Health-e News.





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