

Hidden Suffering on Private Land

It's been almost 15 years since we voted for all South Africans to have equal access to government have dignity and a better life. To have treatment for life-threatening illnesses. But every now and then, as journalists, we step into corners of the country where apartheid and its indignities remains alive and well. Where the services that government has designed to improve our lives just CAN'T reach.
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One Doctor’€™s Discoveries about Infection Control

Would you believe that world-wide, 2 in 5 people don't have access to safe sanitation!? Today in our series on EVERYDAY HEROES '€“ people who make a difference in their part of the world '€“ we visit a doctor and a nursery school principal who are playing their part to promote good hygiene.
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Prioritising on a Fixed Budget

A five part series that was aired on Morning Live in the run up to World AIDS Day explores the lives of ordinary people who deal with a life that seems to get more complicated every day. EVERYDAY HEROES. How do they make ends meet and make healthy choices? How have they managed to keep their families together and healthy? What lessons have they learned in the process? What can we learn from them?
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Taking on the Quacks

Welcome to CAPETOWN '€“ the seat of a government that for many years confused it'€™s people about the best ways for treating HIV. Vitamins, olive oil, lemon and beetroot, and a number of traditional therapies were promoted over scientifically proven life-prolonging anti-retroviral treatment.
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Findings favourable for multi-therapy mother to child prevention

On 29 of August, doctors, scientists, researchers, politicians and administrators gathered for a morning celebration at Coronation Mother and Child Hospital. The role-players gathered to announce the highly successful initial findings of the multi-therapy prevention of mother-to-child-transmission programme that was introduced some seven months earlier.
Read More »Findings favourable for multi-therapy mother to child prevention

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